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There are a number of fitness and performance assessments that the Rutgers Center for health, Nutrition, EXercise and MeTabolism (NExT) has the ability to perform. We are capable of testing all populations, from athletes to office workers, with our goal to improve your health, performance and diet. These tests serve as a needs analysis allowing us to customize your training program.
We offer GIFT Certificates for Assessments and Classes.
The primary assessments include:
- Cardiorespiratory Fitness
- Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
- Body Composition
- The BOD POD Temporarily Unavailable
- Dual Energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
- Muscular Strength and Power Testing
- Assessment Packages
- Other Advanced Packages
- Bundle 1: BodPod and VO2max
- Bundle 2: InBody and VO2max - Temporarily Unavailable
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
A high level of cardiorespiratory fitness is protective against chronic diseases such as heart failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and premature mortality. It is also an excellent representation of one's potential for performance in endurance-based activities. The gold standard for measuring cardiorespiratory fitness is the VO2max test.
▾ VO2max: $160
VO2 max is the maximal amount of oxygen you can use during exercise and is related to your ability to perform dynamic exercise for prolonged periods. You can think of your VO2max as the size of your aerobic "engine." To measure it, you will be connected to state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, while performing an incremental test on a treadmill. This test consists of 3–5-minute stages that increase in intensity. Obtaining a valid VO2max measurement requires a maximal effort.
This test is not used for diagnostic purposes. Recreational to elite endurance athletes have the most to gain from a VO2max test for its use in supporting exercise training prescription.
▾ Lactate Threshold Assessment: $160
The lactate threshold test helps us identify two important thresholds that we can use to establish training intensity and monitor fitness. The first threshold represents the intensity at which blood lactate begins to increase above resting levels. The second threshold occurs at an intensity beyond which blood lactate will rise continuously until exhaustion is reached. These thresholds are important for understanding submaximal exercise performance and determine exercise intensities that can be maintained for prolonged periods without fatigue. Your results can be used to identify individualized training zones so that you can plan and organize your training with greater precision.
The test consists of 3–5-minute stages of increasing intensity, achieved through increases in treadmill speed. After each stage, a small blood sample is taken from your fingertip for analysis, while state-of-the-art laboratory equipment captures ventilatory data. Although the test is submaximal, consider bundling it with our VO2max assessment for even greater insights into your performance capabilities!
The lactate threshold test is not used for diagnostic purposes. Recreational to elite endurance athletes have the most to gain from this type of submaximal test for its use in supporting exercise training prescription.
▾ Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): $160
Resting metabolic rate is the baseline amount of energy you need to support your body at rest. Essentially, it is the number of calories you would burn if you laid in bed all day. RMR is an important measure because it accounts for 50–70% of your total daily energy needs. Understanding the total number of calories you burn in a day is critical to developing sound and personalized weight management plans.
Body Composition
Body composition refers to the internal makeup of the body. As exercise and nutritional scientists, we know the value of looking beyond body weight when considering health status. Body composition measurements provide estimates of tissues like fat, muscle, and bone. This is important for assessment and prevention of excessive fat accumulation, muscle loss, and bone wasting. This is also critical for weight management programs. Measuring body weight alone doesn't give you the granularity necessary to understand the quality of weight loss or weight gain.
▾ The BOD POD: $66
The Bod Pod measures soft tissues in your body and allows for the calculation of your body fat percentage, fat mass, and fat free mass.
▾ In-Body BIA: $55 - Temporarily Unavailable
The InBody bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a non-invasive, quick method of measuring your body's muscle, water, and fat content.
▾ DXA: $169
Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measures soft tissues and bone in your body and includes values for your whole-body fat percentage, fat mass, lean body mass, and bone mineral density. It also estimates your visceral fat and estimates RMR from your lean body mass. This is considered the gold standard for body composition assessment. Please be advised that our DXA has limited availability.
▾ Muscular Strength and Power: $66
Muscular strength is a vital component of fitness. You may not realize it but you do things every day that require strength; from carrying groceries to walking up stairs. To assess muscular strength we utilize a testing protocol that allows us to safely determine upper-body and lower-body strength. This information can be used to more effectively develop a detailed and individualized exercise prescription to help you reach your goals.
Power is one of the most critical elements of athletic performance. A number of studies have shown that power may be equally (or even more) important for success than VO2max. We utilize a vertical jump mat that measures your vertical jump height. Then, we are able to determine your power production ability. Vertical jump height is correlated to speed and lower-body strength. Therefore, it has direct carry-over to all athletic events. This test is also indicative of your recovery status and readiness to train. Power is the first training variable affected by overtraining and can be used as an indicator to alter your exercise intensity throughout a training program.
Assessment Packages
▾ Advanced Assessment: $215
- Includes BodPod, Power & Strength, and VO2max testing
▾ VIP Assessment: $325
- Includes BodPod, RMR, Power & Strength, and VO2max testing
Other Advanced Packages
▾ Bundle 1: $193
- BodPod + VO2max
▾ Bundle 2: $176
- InBody + VO2max
▾ Bundle 3: $259
- Lactate Threshold + VO2max
Nutrition counseling is offered as follow up for those who have done testing at the center or who have participated in our research studies. The individualized nutrition counseling is done by nutritionist/dietitians. Write to Chnext.training@sebs.rutgers.edu.
While each test provides its own unique value the sum of the results yields your complete fitness profile. This profile gives us the information needed to develop the best possible training program for YOU!!!
If you are interested in our services, please inquire via email as that is the best way to get in touch with us.
To schedule an appointment at NExT Testing, contact Chnext.training@sebs.rutgers.edu.