Why Are We Different?

The Center for Human Nutrition, Exercise, and Metabolism (the NExT Center) is a research laboratory dedicated to improving the health and performance of our clients. We are not your run-of-the-mill "gym." We are a research laboratory that carries out interdisciplinary research in the areas of nutrition and exercise. The training and conditioning services we offer are limited to supervised sessions with a certified trainer.
While most businesses in the health and fitness industry are focused on selling you on a quick-fix, high intensity approach we are focused on delivering empowering you with an understanding of how your body works, and how to approach exercise training in a way that produces long-term results.
Here at the NExT Center we have a deep understanding of the science that goes into developing training and nutrition plans that deliver specific outcomes. Because all sessions are designed and overseen by a trained professional, you never need to worry about ineffective sessions or misinformation.
In order for us to deliver the results you are looking for, we ask for one thing: commit yourself to the process!
What Services Are Offered?
Health and Fitness Programs
These programs are designed for those looking to lose weight, gain lean muscle, enhance physical function, and improve overall health.
Our Health and Fitness Programs include: Aerobic Cardio Exercise (ACE), Evidence-Based Personal Training, and Weight Loss/Wellness (Talk to a Dietitian-Nutritionist).

What Is ACE?
Shape up, get fit, and burn fat with Aerobic Cardio Exercise (ACE) classes. Our ACE classes are designed utilizing the latest in scientific research on fat loss exercise.
More than 66% of American adults are overweight or obese. And almost 32% of American children (2–19) are obese. Although a fair number of these folks try to eat well or go to the gym, they don’t reach their fitness goals.
Instead of spending endless hours on cardio equipment with little return, ACE classes are short and effective and combine both resistance-based and aerobic exercise. It has been shown that just 30 minutes of high-intensity activity each week can improve glucose control and skeletal muscle metabolism in healthy persons and those with diabetes.
ACE classes are designed to improve exercise capacity and facilitate fat loss in a group format lasting roughly 30 minutes. All fitness levels and abilities are welcome.
The ACE exercise prescription includes a 12-week training program, specific to an individual health and skills, and is held 2–3 times per week.

What is Evidence-Based Personal Training?
Our evidence-based personal training services go above and beyond the standard personal training experience that you might get at a run-of-the-mill gym. Using our state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in exercise science, we conduct a thorough interview and baseline fitness assessment to design a training program that fits your needs. Fitness assessments might include a measurement of body composition, strength & power, VO2max, Lactate threshold, and more.
Once your initial assessment is finished, you will undergo a series of supervised training sessions with one of our certified trainers. Depending on your goals, you may also be given some "homework" to do on the days you are not with us. As educators, it is important to us that we equip you with the knowledge of WHY you are doing what you are doing, rather than have you blindly follow our program. We want you to build the confidence to take control of your fitness.

Our evidence-based personal training services are built for all experience levels. From complete novices to competitive athletes, we can help you achieve your goals. We know that getting started at the gym can be intimidating. Because our facility is primarily used for research, you do not need to worry about a "traditional" gym environment. We have all the equipment that you would find in a typical gym, plus more, without the crowds.
If this is something you are interested in, you can get in touch with us using the training email listed below.
How Do I Know Which Training Program Is Right for Me?
Choosing the service(s) that will deliver the results you are after is key. For us to be sure you have selected the appropriate service, please schedule a consultation with our Fitness Coordinator.
Your consultation is free. Contact: Chnext.training@sebs.rutgers.edu
What Are Nutrition, Lifestyle and Behavior Modification Classes?
Wellness & Weight Loss Classes (to lose weight, or just be healthier):
Currently, we are offering Nutrition classes as part of our current research projects to adults greater than 50 years of age, where you will get individualized and group classes, free body composition analysis that monitors your progress and you will contribute to our understanding of healthy weight loss options. Taught by a registered dietitian-nutritionist. If you are older than 50, use Nutrition email below to see if you are eligible for the weight loss studies!
To reach NExT:
Fitness Chnext.training@sebs.rutgers.edu
Nutrition RU-NextNutrition@sebs.rutgers.edu