Research Experts

"We have to be concerned with society at large and try to bring together people that can focus from a variety of perspectives on a single set of problems."
Richard Edwards
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Rutgers University

"Unless we identify with the major issues that face the people of our state and see ourselves as agriculturalists in the middle of our society, we will not be sustainable for the long term."
Bob Goodman
Executive Dean, Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

"To get food to where people can purchase it and use it, is really a multifactorial problem, and farming and agriculture can't solve it on their own, so there has to be a team effort."
Jack Rabin
Director, Rutgers Farm Programs

"We can grow a lot of food in the city; we can't grow enough to feed everybody, but the growing is going to have lots of other benefits such as opportunities for education and job creation."
Kathe Newman
Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Rutgers University

Judy Storch
Professor of Nutrition, Rutgers University

Carol Byrd-Bredbenner
Specialist in Nutrition, Rutgers University

Sue Shapses
Professor of Nutritional Sciences and Director, NEXT Center at the IFNH

"We have as our mission to bring research out to the residents of the state of New Jersey so that the health and welfare of our citizens and residents can be attended to."
Larry Katz
Senior Associate Director, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station

"To think that people are facing type 2 diabetes and other obesity related diseases because of their socioeconomic conditions and because they can not get to the resources in this country as much as somebody else can, it breaks my heart."
Nurgul Fitzgerald
Specialist in Community Nutrition, Rutgers University

"Bringing farm fresh foods to school children is an important step in fighting the obesity epidemic and the Food Innovation Center is now developing Jersey Fresh meals for local schools."
Margaret Brennan-Tonetta
Executive Director, New Jersey Food Innovation Center

Peggy Policastro
Director, Healthy Dining Team

Jim Simon
Distinguished Professor of Plant Biology, and Director, Rutgers Center for Agricultural Food Ecosystems (RUCAFE) at the IFNH